Ole Vik
Adviser at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Project leader of NTNU Sak Brukerstøtte since May 2021. Work broadly with digitalization, technical development, organization development, and communication.
Project lead for NTNU Sak Brukerstøtte, which shall ensure a robust and scalable user support for a new system case management system and case management broadly. Communications Adviser responsible for the division's internal and external communication, including external web pages, intranet, and archive plan.
- Service development and concept modeling
- Process and system development within web and IT
- Programming for web, academic analysis, and general
- Universal design, optimalization, and operating websites
- Development and digitalization of teaching- and work-processes
Coordination of continuing education courses, seminar program, work on digitalization project, as well as evaluation routines and other academic and administrative work.
Communication and coordination with researchers. Quantitative work in economics, including estimation of models and programming in Python, at the Department of Economics.
Taught elementary- and middle-school, including maths, Norwegian, English, social studies, religion and ethics, physical exercise.
Prepared and directed 14 seminar groups in both Norwegian and English for students in the courses Political Economy, Bachelor Essay in Comparative Politics, and Perspectives and Methods of the Social Sciences.
Customer Service, logistics, preparation of rental cars, administrative work.
Learned data gathering. literature review, source evaluation, as well as qualitative and quantitative methods. Specialization in comparative political economy, thesis finished in the stipulated time, evaluated as excellent.
Acquired knowledge in statistics, maths, economic theory and methods. Thesis finished in the stipulated time, evaluated as very good.
Involved with wage-negotiations, member-cases, organizational-development
Started organization, managed finances, and developed website.
Participated in Educational Committee and Departmental Council at the Department for Comparative Politics. Learned about communication between students, employees, and the administration.
Treasurer in the spring of 2013.
Course with a focus on digitalization and digital transformation projects, as an introduction to the differences between industrial and digital economies with an emphasis on understanding transaction costs, network effects, increasing returns and information as collective good
Courses: "From antiquity to the 17th century" and "The Enlightenment"
Norwegian citizen, fluent in Norwegian and English speech, read and write both excellently. Thorough experience with digital tools, including: